Professional Cleaning Services
Nigeria top standard Corporate and Industrial Provider of Comprehensive Cleaning Solutions

Professional Sanitisation Service
Corporate and Industrial Provider of Comprehensive Fogging, Disinfection and Sanitisation Solutions

Auto Wash Bay Cleaning
We offer Corporate and Commercial Comprehensive Wash Bay Solutions fully supervised, so you can concentrate on your core business

Once-Off Cleaning
Grandways Cleaning Services is a leading provider of supervised cleaning services, with a highly-skilled, dedicated once-off cleaning division

Professional Health & Safety Services
For a task as crucial as Health and Safety, it’s a must to use our officer with genuine work experience ‘out in the field’ to avoid any oversights.

Professional Hygiene Products
Yes! We provide the latest cost-effective hygiene products. And we regularly maintain and refill them too – just one less thing for you to worry about.

Professional Pest Control Services
You need a company that understands the potential damage to your brand and reputation if the pest problem is not eradicated. We've got you covered with a lasting solution.

Waste Management System
we understand the need for a completely personalised waste management programme that fits and ensures you remain compliant with Nigerian legislation.